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> Tiny Core Linux

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Tiny Core Linux is a very small (10 MB) minimal Linux Desktop. It is based on Linux 2.6 kernel, Busybox, Tiny X, Fltk, and Jwm. The core runs entirely in ram and boots very quickly.
Created date: 13.5.2009 10:28
Licence: GPL
CZ lokalization: no
Release date: 6.4.2004
Home Page:
Creator: Odile Bénassy
Developer Company:
Package system:
CZ article links:[..]uce-na-10-mb/
SW instalation requirement: * processor : i386 or better
* hard disk : 50 Mo is enough for installation itself, but you will do better with at least 80 Mo
* ram: 8 MB minimum, 12 MB or 16 MB is better
* floppy drive :3"1/4
* keyboard, mouse

CD count: 0
Rating: Nou rated yet.
Added by: Josef Šmidrkal


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