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> k3d

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   Software > IMAGE/ 3D

K-3D features a robust, object oriented plugin architecture, designed to scale to the needs of professional artists, and is designed from the ground up to generate motion picture quality animation using RenderMan compliant render engines.
Adding date: 18.7.2005 16:09
GUI: yes
Terminal: no
Licence: GPL
Home Page:
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Alternativ SW in Windows:
SW instalation requirement:

* expat or libxml2 - XML parsers (expat is preferred, because its API provides better error output during parsing).
* gtkmm elegant C++ wrapping for the GTK2 graphical user interface toolkit (gtkmm 2.4 required).
* gtkglext - a binding between GTK2 and OpenGL.
* OpenGL / GLU - portable, hardware accelerated 3D graphics.
* libsigc++ - type-safe C++ callback system (libsigc++ 2.0 required for gtkmm 2.4)

* FreeType 2 - text plugin.
* PLIB - 3D file import / export plugin.
* Python - Python scripting engine.
* Ruby - Ruby scripting engine.
* Open Dynamics Engine - physical simulation plugin.
* OpenEXR - writing high-dynamic range images.
* LibTIFF - writing TIFF images.
* ImageMagick - writing whole range of image formats (recomended).
* Graphviz - Graph Visualization Softwate
* xsltproc
* GTS - GNU Triangulated Surface library
HW instalation requirement:

Rate: not rated yet
Package Type Download Size in kB
MDK rpm[..]thac.i586.rpm 912
Added by: Ondřej Tůma


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