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> Musicman

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Do you have many MP3 files? Do you spend more time organizing them then listening to them? Do you store them on CDs? Do you have a car stereo MP3 player?

If so, MusicMan will help you massivelly tag and organize your MP3, Ogg, from the most obvious place: Konqueror file manager.

MusicMan is a Konqueror plugin that lets you:
- Organize your music collection to create a CD.
- Create nice CD cover, as an or KWord document, with full listing of your music files. 100% configurable thru templates.
- Create HTML, Text and SQL indexes (beside the OpenOffice one) of your collections, including total playing time etc. 100% configurable thru templates.
- Standarize the filenames of your music files
- Guess info and set ID3 tags from the file's name. Can be done to several files in one shot
- Rename many selected files based on their ID3 tags
- Set ID3 tags in mass for the selected files, with options from copying ID3s from other files, and leaving some ID3 fields untouched.
- Rename _ to space and vice-versa.
Adding date: 25.7.2005 10:49
GUI: yes
Terminal: no
Licence: LGPL
Home Page:
Developer company:
Alternativ SW in Windows:
SW instalation requirement:

KDE 3.x
HW instalation requirement:

Rate: not rated yet
Package Type Download Size in kB
rpm[..].k34.i386.rpm 261
source[..]n-0.14.tar.gz 1424
Added by: Peter Sakmár


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