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> ttyutils

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Ttyutils is a suite of UNIX terminal tools, includes ttyexec, ttylook, ttyadmin, and a few extension programs.

ttyexec execute command on a pseudo terminal, capture all stdandard output from command, pass them to built-in virtual terminal emulator and real terminal. user feel no differ between ttyexec executed command and direct executed command.

by virtual terminal emulator, administrator can watch specific condition to triger event. for example, user want to execute a program by other program status, but want not or can not modify that program, in such case, ttyexec is useful.

ttyadmin is a administrator tool, which use ncurses(3X) window interface, view and control exists ttyexec instances.

ttylook similarity BSD watch(1) program, but has not too many limits, it can easy connect to exists ttyexec instance, snoop on that terminal output, or input data to that terminal if enter writable mode.

extension programs includes ttyfeed, ttysnap and so on, each of them support `--help' command line option.

Ttyutils has not-bad manual in .info, .html, .pdf, and .ps format, thanks for GNU texinfo(5).
Adding date: 10.7.2008 13:47
GUI: no
Terminal: yes
Licence: GPL
Home Page:
Creator: xiaohu
Developer company: tienon Co.,Ltd.
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Rate: 100%
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rpm /[..].1-1.i386.rpm 0
Added by: xiaohu417


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