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> Render Park

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   Software > IMAGE/ 3D

RenderPark is a test-bed system for physically based photo-realistic image synthesis. It's a free software package providing a solid implementation of a wide variety of state-of-the-art ray-tracing and radiosity algorithms. Our goal is to compare these algorithms on a fair basis, to evaluate benefits and shortcomings, to find solutions for the latter and to develop new algorithms that are more robust and efficient than the algorithms that are available in rendering systems today, free or commercial. Although RenderPark is in the first place a tool for research and teaching, it is evolving towards a full featured physics based global illumination rendering system that also illumination engineers, architects, designers and artists will appreciate. screenshot
Adding date: 28.6.2004 16:09
GUI: yes
Terminal: no
Licence: GPL
Home Page:
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Rate: not rated yet
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source[..]/rpk.linux.gz 2463
Added by: Richard Antalík


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