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> Ellogon

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Ellogon is a multi-lingual, cross-platform, general-purpose language engineering environment, developed in order to aid both researchers who are doing research in computational linguistics, as well as companies who produce and deliver language engineering systems. As a language engineering platform, it offers an extensive set of facilities, including tools for processing and visualising textual/HTML/XML data and associated linguistic information, support for lexical resources (like creating and embedding lexicons), tools for creating annotated corpora, accessing databases, comparing annotated data, or transforming linguistic information into vectors for use with various machine learning algorithms. screenshot
Adding date: 30.7.2004 12:30
GUI: yes
Terminal: yes
Licence: LGPL
Home Page:
Creator: Georgios Petasis
Developer company:
Alternativ SW in Windows:
SW instalation requirement:

Tcl/Tk 8.4 (or newer), JRE 1.4.1 (optional), Perl 5.8.1 (optional), Python 2.2
HW instalation requirement:

40 MB of free disk space.
Rate: not rated yet
Package Type Download Size in kB
rpm[..]-1.noarch.rpm 14600
src.rpm[..]6.1-1.src.rpm 14000
Added by: John Smith


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