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> Slime UML

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Slime UML (SLIm Modelling Environment) is a slim, fast, and powerful UML plugin the Eclipse platform. It makes it simple to document Java code, reverse-engineer existing source code, and visualise complex Java libraries, even without source, as well as perform modeling with use cases, packages, and class diagrams. It features drag and drop classes and packages from the Package Explorer, automatic layout of diagrams, multiple inheritance, diagram updates when the Java code changes, exporting to Word, EMF, and SVG formats, a class diagram wizard and diagram perspective for diagram creation, and much more.

Adding date: 19.8.2004 12:09
GUI: yes
Terminal: no
Licence: Shareware
Home Page:
Creator: Marco van Meegen
Developer company:
Alternativ SW in Windows: Slime UML
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Added by: John Smith


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