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RTAI is an enchancement for Linux kernel that provides realtime processing on various platforms and congiurations. RTAI means Real Time Application Interface. Strictly speaking, it is not a real time operating system, such as VXworks or QNX. It is based on the Linux kernel, providing the ability to make it fully pre-emptable. Linux suffers from a lack of real time support. To obtain a timing correctness behaviour, it is necessary to make some changes in the kernel sources, i.e. in the interrupt handling and scheduling policies. In this way, you can have a real time platform, with low latency and high predicatbility requirements, within full non real time Linux environment (access to TCP/IP, graphical display and windowing systems, file and data base systems, etc.). RTAI offers the same services of the Linux kernel core, adding the features of an industrial real time operating system.
Adding date: 20.8.2004 17:10
GUI: no
Terminal: yes
Licence: GPL
Home Page:
Creator: RTAI Team
Developer company: --
Alternativ SW in Windows: --
SW instalation requirement:

This software requires to manually patch, configure and build kernel, but as it is developer targeted package - you should be already familiar with installing system packages from sources.
HW instalation requirement:

arm, cris, i386, mips, ppc based platforms supported
Rate: not rated yet
Package Type Download Size in kB
source[..]test4.tar.bz2 3058
source[..]3.0r4.tar.bz2 3260
Added by: Paweł Suchanecki


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