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> Jalopy

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Jalopy is a source code formatter for the Sun Java programming language. It layouts any valid Java source code according to some widely configurable rules; to meet a certain coding style without putting a formatting burden on individual developers.

Jalopy 1.2.1 has been released

TRIEMAX Software announced a new maintenance release of the commercial successor which provides enhanced functionality and improved stability.

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With Jalopy you will be able to transform any foreign coding style to your own liking, without any browbeating or bloodletting.

Jalopy's functionality covers:

- Brace style transformation
- Fine-grained white space settings
- Indentation
- Intelligent line wrapping
- Code separation
- Javadoc auto-generation
- Header/Footer templates
- Powerful command-line interface
- Client API
- Several Plug-ins
Adding date: 26.4.2009 21:40
GUI: yes
Terminal: yes
Licence: BSD
Home Page:
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Alternativ SW in Windows:
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Rate: not rated yet
Package Type Download Size in kB
rpm[..]pp.noarch.rpm 0
rpm[..]m.php?id=1664 0
src.rpm[..].4jpp.src.rpm 0
Added by: Marcin Antczak


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