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CVS Monitor[..]l/cvsmonitor/ 1819x
CVS Monitor is a Perl CGI application for monitoring activity in a CVS repository. It is somewhat similar in purpose to cvsweb, but far more useful when you just want to keep an eye on development, allow management/clients to see what is happening, or provide the public with a view into the project.
Adesklets 1810x
adesklets is an interactive Imlib2 console for the X Window system. It provides to scripted languages a clean and simple way to write great looking, mildly interactive desktop integrated graphic applets (aka “desklets”).
HTML validator.
netwib[..]/netw/netwib/ 1797x
Netwib provides most functions needed by network programs. Its objective is to let programmers easily create network programs.
PPerl http://[..]ch?dist=PPerl 1788x
PPerl is a persistent Perl interpreter that was developed in order to reduce the high compile-time overhead associated with running many scripts persistently.
Pascal To Doxygen Convertor 1787x
Pas2Dox (Pascal To Doxygen) is a pre-processing filter for Doxygen. It allows Kylix/Delphi programmers to comment their code using JavaDoc style tags and then have Doxygen build the application documentation.
Metahtml 1785x
Meta-HTML is a powerful, extensible server-side programming language specifically designed for working on the World Wide Web. It resembles a cross between HTML and Lisp
XML Indent[..]rg/xmlindent/ 1776x
XML Indent is a XML stream reformatter written in ANSI C.
XParam 1769x
XParam is an extensible, type-safe, non-intrusive, object-oriented tool for general-purpose object serialization and deserialization in C++, good for parsing command-line parameters and cross-program/cross-platform communication. It can handle named parameters as well as object streams. It recognizes class hierarchies, abstract interfaces, and polymorphism, and can therefore serve as a plug-in management framework (e.g., for strategy management).
annie 1768x
annie is a C++ API (library) for neural network training and execution. It can be linked to both Windows and Linux applications. Support for multi-layer perceptron networks, radial-basis networks, and Hopfield Networks is present. It can also be interfaced with Matlab's Neural Network toolbox.
genmake[..]?site=genmake 1765x
genmake is a very simple and easy to use Makefile generation script for small C/C++ projects.
abbot 1746x
The Abbot framework is a Java library for GUI unit testing and functional testing. It provides methods to reproduce user actions and examine the state of GUI components. The framework may be invoked directly from Java code, but also supports non-programming record/playback testing with scripts. Most tests can also be run in a headless mode.
arfg meta-language 1742x
arfg, originally intended to generate Fortran code, is a simple pipelined meta-language.
ViewCVS 1721x
ViewCVS can browse directories, change logs, and specific revisions of files. It can display diffs between versions and show selections of files based on tags or branches. In addition, ViewCVS has "annotation" or "blame" support, Bonsai-like query facilities, template-based page generation, and support for individually configuring virtual hosts.
GNU Go[..]ftware/gnugo/ 1713x
GNU Go is a free program that plays the game of Go. GNU Go has played thousands of games on the NNGS Go server.
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