SW Name |
Home page |
Downloaded |
phpWebSite |
http://phpwebsite.appstate.edu/ |
1452x |
phpWebSite provides a complete web site content management system.
YPOPs! |
http://yahoopops.sourceforge.net/ |
1450x |
YPOPs! - POP3/SMTP Access to Yahoo
cfv |
http://cfv.sourceforge.net/ |
1449x |
Tests and creates .sfv, .csv, .crc, .md5, md5sum, and BSD md5 checksum files.
inline_smtp |
http://hoopajoo.net/[..]ine_smtp.html |
1449x |
The inline_smtp perl script was created to allow filtering of incoming mail on a separate server that houses the mailspools without running a full blown MTA.
phpWebLog |
http://sourceforge.net/[..]ts/phpweblog/ |
1446x |
A complete web news management system written in PHP. All the content control is configurable with an web based administration section. Features include story moderation, threaded comments, templating/themes, polls, multi-language translations, RDF impo
Axelq |
http://zephilia.dyndns.org/[..]i_yomi/axelq/ |
1444x |
Axelq - A queue manager for the popular download accelerator axel.
http://www.calevans.com/afmf/ |
1443x |
Yet another mail filter for IMAP or maildir.
http://www.chodorowski.com/[..]projects/zws/ |
1443x |
ZWS is a simple Web server written in ZSH.
SAC.php |
http://sacphp.sf.net/ |
1441x |
SACphp is a fully-featured, modular, multilingual, and scalable framework/Weblog/CMS.
yawk |
http://www.awk-scripting.de/[..]iki.cgi/yawk/ |
1441x |
yawk is a wiki clone written in gawk.
ID: Control Your Online Identification |
http://identity.sourceforge.net/ |
1441x |
An alternative Identification system that is a replacement for Microsoft's Passport and the Liberty Alliance. Its a simple architecture that is setup so anyone can run a server and thereby have control over their online identification.
e107 |
http://e107.org/ |
1440x |
e107 is php-based content management system.
Autohouse II |
http://www.linuxlots.com/~ah2 |
1440x |
Autohouse II is an invoicing system for small repair shops.
Annif |
https://gna.org/[..]rojects/annif |
1437x |
Annif is a minimalistic birthday (calendar) monitoring tool.
Penguin Greetings |
http://pgreet.sourceforge.net/ |
1436x |
Penguin Greetings is a Perl Web-based greeting card application.