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Ethernet TAP driver 1458x
TAP provides packet reception and transmission for user-space programs. It can be viewed as a simple Ethernet device, which instead of receiving packets from a physical medium, receives them from a user-space program and instead of sending packets via physical media, writes them to the user-space program.
Cheops 1454x
Cheops is an Open Source Network User Interface. It is designed to be the network equivalent of a swiss-army knife, unifying your network utilities. Cheops does for the network what a file manager does for your filesystem.
RPCAP 1453x
The RPCAP (Remote Packet CAPture) system for Linux allows the capture of network traffic on a remote system. It is a two component system, with a "server" component running on the remote system, which uses libpcap to capture network packets, and uplink them to the client system.
raddump[..]ects/raddump/ 1453x
raddump interprets captured RADIUS packets to print a timestamp, packet length, RADIUS packet type, source and destination hosts and ports.
parprouted 1453x
parprouted is a daemon for transparent IP (Layer 3) proxy ARP bridging. This is useful for creation of transparent firewalls and bridging networks with different MAC protocols.
Sipcalc[..]ects/sipcalc/ 1452x
Sipcalc is an advanced console-based IP subnet calculator. It can take multiple forms of input (IPv4/IPv6/interface/hostname) and output a multitude of information about a given subnet.
Anti-censorship Tools (proxyTools) 1450x
Anti-censorship tools (proxyTools) consists of a huge Perl application (localProxy) and a set of tools to analyze the user's network (proxies, firewall rules, name servers, etc.). LocalProxy abstracts external services in an uncensored, reliable, fast manner to the localhost, where they may be used by standard clients (Web browsers, Usenet news clients, SOCKS-capable clients, etc.).
ax25-apps 1447x
The ax25-apps package contains programs for the hamradio protocol AX.25 that would be used by normal users (as opposed to network daemons).
trafcalc 1447x
Trafcalc calculates the size of the TCP-payload on a system via packet capturing and connection tracking at the user level instead of the IP level.
SFSU Penaltybox[..]s/penaltybox/ 1442x
The SFSU Penaltybox is a solution for high network traffic in residence halls. It implements a bandwidth quota, penalizing the users who cause most of the network congestion. When users go over their bandwidth quota in a time period their traffic is limited using a Packeteer PacketShaper for a certain period of time before they are let out of the penalty box.
inetutils[..]netutils.html 1441x
InetUtils is a collection of common network programs.
Multi Purpose Scanner 1440x
Multi Purpose Scanner is a simple scanner written in C that starts a number of child processes, connects to a list of IP addresses, and logs a certain number of characters to standard out or a file.
ax25-tools 1439x
The ax25-tools package contains the tools that you need to get going with AX.25 for Linux. AX.25 is a network protocol that is used by hamradio operators across packet radio wireless links.
selfDHCP 1439x
selfDHCP is a utility to automatically detect a correct network configuration, by listening to network traffic with appropriate heuristics.
LooperNG 1437x
LooperNG is an intelligent event routing daemon. Primarily used for Network Management, this application can be used to accomplish a variety of tasks related to logging and alerting.
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