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> Software list : : SECURITY-->other

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RSBAC - Rule Set Based Access Control. 0x
RSBAC is a Linux kernel patch which provides several powerfull security modules. The functionality of these modules goes way beyond the standard UNIX access control features. So it is not difficult to imagine that RSBAC is going to play an important role in a security related project like the Adamantix project. The features which are important to the Adamantix project are: RSBAC is a real free software project and like many free software projects mostly developed by a single developer, Amon Ott, and many users who file bug reports and new feature requests. Amon runs the project on his own and can thus keep the code consistent and clean, which is exactly what you want for a security related project. The project is not subject to government contract terms or corporate sponsoring terms and therefore decisions can be made purely on technical and practical grounds and do not suffer from politics or conflicts between groups with different interests. The design of the system and the code reflects this.
MixIt[..]ne/mixit.html 0x
MixIt is a crypting program which makes given data unreadable using mixing, shifting, coding etc.
shash 0x
Generate or check digests or MACs of files
pam_abl[..]ects/pam-abl/ 0x
A PAM module that provides auto blacklisting of hosts and users responsible for repeated failed authentication attempts. Generally configured so that blacklisted users still see normal login prompts but are guaranteed to fail to authenticate.
cryptcat[..]cts/cryptcat/ 0x
Cryptcat is a lightweight version of netcat with integrated transport encryption capabilities.
Gaim-Encryption 0x
Gaim-Encryption provides transparent RSA encryption as a Gaim plugin using the Mozilla NSS libraries.
The Coroner's Toolkit 0x
The Coroner's Toolkit (TCT) is a collection of tools designed to assist in a forensic examination of a computer. It is primarily designed for Unix systems, but it can some small amount of data collection & analysis from non-Unix disks and media.
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6. LeftHand Mała Księgowość
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7. MISU pyFotoResize
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8. Lefthand CRM
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9. MetadataExtractor
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10. RCP100
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11. Predaj softveru
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12. MSH Free Autoresponder
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