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JUCE 1537x
C++ class library for developing cross-platform applications.
PTML 1536x
PTML is a Python module which lets you embed Python code in text documents. Its most common application is dynamic content generation on Web servers, but it can be used anywhere you need to generate text files on-the-fly.
Libnodave 1535x
Libnodave is a free library to connect to and exchange data with PLCs from the Siemens S7-200, S7-300, S5, and 400 families.
Pexpect[..]ects/pexpect/ 1535x
Pexpect is a Python Expect-like module. It spawns child applications, controls them, and responds to expected patterns in their output. It can be used for automating interactive applications such as ssh, ftp, passwd, telnet, etc.
GtkPlot 1531x
GtkPlot is a widget for GTK+. It allows to draw high quality scientific plots in two dimensions with a look and feel very similar to Microcal Origin for Windows.
Abstract Large Files[..]s/largefiles/ 1527x
The Abstract Large File (ALF) project is a portable library for writing files that can be larger than 2GB or contain holes on systems that don't natively support one or both properties
pyCVS 1524x
pyCVS is an asynchronous Python library for the CVS (Concurrent Versions System) protocol.
PyCHM 1521x
PyCHM is a set of Python bindings for Jed Wing's chmlib. These bindings are used by GnoCHM, a CHM file viewer for GNOME 2.
GMP++ 1512x
GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library, the fastest bignum library on the planet!
Date_Calc[..]de/Date_Calc/ 1510x
Date_Calc is a PHP class used to calculate and manipulate calendar dates and retrieve dates in a calendar format. It does not rely on 32-bit system date stamps, so you can display calendars and compare dates that date pre 1970 and post 2038.
GtkIconList 1508x
GtkIconList is a widget for GTK+. It's a GtkLayout subclass which allows you to display a table of xpm icons with editable labels.
libtcp++[..]oad.html#anc3 1503x
libtcp++ is a C++ class library to facilitate the creation of TCP/IP clients and servers. It has three classes, TcpClient, TcpServer and TcpIpRuleSet. TcpServer has build it logging capability peer detection method, and IP-based access control in addition to regular server functionality. TcpClient supports a user specified timeout on connect(), nice for port/host scanning, and other situations when you may be connecting to a dead host or a firewalled port.
libaltpw[..]?projectid=15 1499x
Add alternate password support dynamically with LD_PRELOAD or by linking the shared library with the executable. Useful, for example, to make sendmail, procmail, and pop3d use an alternate password if you are an ISP.
libinklevel 1497x
Libinklevel is a linux library for retrieving the ink level of a printer attached via the parallel port or USB.
Maximum Entropy Modeling Toolkit[..]_toolkit.html 1497x
The Maximum Entropy Toolkit provides a set of tools and library for constructing maximum entropy (maxent) models in either Python or C++.
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7. MISU pyFotoResize
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8. Lefthand CRM
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10. RCP100
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12. MSH Free Autoresponder
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