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pyclamav[..]av/index.html 1384x
pyclamav is a module makes it possible to use the free libclamav virus scanning library within Python.
C++ Internet Server Framework[..]jects/cppisf/ 1383x
The aim of this project is to provide an easy way for developers to build Internet server processes. It provides the framework for single-process, single-threaded, concurrent daemon servers which use non-blocking sockets.
Python SAP RFC module 1382x
The Python SAP RFC module enables programming remote function calls from SAP ERP systems.
Gtkglextmm 1382x
Gtkglextmm is a C++ wrapper for GtkGLExt, OpenGL extension to GTK.
Biggles 1382x
Biggles is a Python module for the creation of publication-quality 2D scientific plots. Its features include an elegant, high-level interface, a simple TeX interpreter, and postscript, png, gif, svg, and x11 output formats.
Python FAM 1381x
Python FAM is a wrapper module around libfam from the FAM project. It allows Python programs to monitor files and directories. An example script is included.[..]db/index.html 1381x is a library which permits the user to directly manipulate an ER rapresentation of his/her data.
libferris[..]ibferris.web/ 1381x
libferris is a virtual filesystem that exposes hierarchical data of all kinds through a common C++ interface. Access to data is performed using C++ IOStreams and Extended Attributes (EA) can be attached to each file or directory to present metadata.
Crypto++[..]cryptlib.html 1381x
Crypto++ Library is a free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes.
PDU / ASCII conversion functions[..]s/pduconv.php 1379x
PDU/ASCII conversion functions convert between an ISO-8859-1 ASCII string and a PDU-encoded array of bytes as described in ETSI GSM 03.38 and ETSI GSM 03.40.
PYthon Interface to Google! Suggest[..]ojects/pyigs/ 1378x
PYthon Interface to Google! Suggest (PYIGS) is a Python package that provides an interface to Google Suggest results. It may be run standalone or incorporated as a module. Currently, it only supports a basic query, with or without result match listings.
Python-SIP 1378x
SIP is a tool to generate C++ interface code for Python. It is similar to SWIG, but uses a different interface format. It was used to build PyQt and PyKDE, and has support for the Qt signal/slot mechanism.
Card Terminal Driver Library 1378x
Card Terminal Driver Library aims to add support for smart card and magnetic stripe card terminals, such as the IBM 4779, to Linux, and other Posix compatible systems.
KNoFault[..]jects/nofault 1377x
a library written in C used to encrypt or decrypt data with XOR encryption.
cgiOutput[..]ts/cgioutput/ 1376x
cgiOutput is an object-oriented CGI output module for Python.
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1. xinetd
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5. VFU File Manager
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6. LeftHand Mała Księgowość
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7. MISU pyFotoResize
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8. Lefthand CRM
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9. MetadataExtractor
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10. RCP100
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11. Predaj softveru
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12. MSH Free Autoresponder
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