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MySQL Driver for REBOL 1275x
MySQL Driver for REBOL is a scheme for /Core that allows developers to connect to a MySQL database server, send queries, and retrieve resulting record sets.
glibmm 1271x
GNOME bindings
htmlcxx 1271x
htmlcxx is a simple non-validating HTML and CSS1 parser for C++.
Safe Strings[..]cts/sstrings/ 1267x
Safe Strings is a small C library that handles C strings in a safe way.
Open String Library[..]name=openslib 1267x
OpenSlib is a library of string functions for Gambas. It includes 24 functions to manipulate and/or return results from strings.
ORBit2[..]jects/ORBit2/ 1266x
ORBIT2 - CORBA 2.4-compliant Object Request Broker.
GNU libavl 1265x
complete, well-documented collection of binary search tree and balanced tree library routines
EZFB Linux Frame Buffer API 1261x
EZFB is a polymorphic, object oriented Linux frame buffer API written in C, designed to adapt at run time to control any properly configured Linux frame buffer video system.
FlatDB 1261x
FlatDB is a Python flatfile database module. Use it to create and modify flat file (ASCII text) databases. The (non-SQL) API supports table creation, table deletion, inserts, updates, deletes, and search queries with where clauses.
GSM 06.10 lossy speech compression[..]ta/toast.html 1261x
GSM 06.10 is a RPE-LTP (Regular­Pulse Excitation Long­Term Predictor) coder and decoder library implemented in C
libdvb[..]vb/index.html 1260x
libdvb (formerly dvb-mpegtools) contains three libraries with examples for their usage. libdvb is a library for switching channels using the Linux DVB API and keeping channel list for DVB-C, DVB-S and DVB-T. libdvbci is used for handling CI interfaces that are optional for some DVB cards. It is based on the CI handler of vdr.
python-gnutls[..]nutls.lychnis 1259x
python-gnutls offers a set of classes and utility functions to use the GNU TLS library in your Python code. It contains two classes, one for client connections, and one for servers.
ieee1284java 1259x
ieee1284java is a Java library for accessing the parallel port using the libieee1284 C library and the Java Native Interface.
jabberxmlrpclib[..]og/jabberrpc/ 1258x
jabberxmlrpclib is a Python module for making XMLRPC procedure calls over Jabber.
FAM[..]projects/fam/ 1257x
FAM, the File Alteration Monitor, provides an API which applications can use to be notified when specific files or directories are changed. It comes in two parts: fam, the daemon which listens for requests and delivers notification, and libfam, a library which client applications can use to communicate with fam.
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2. FreeBSD
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3. PCLinuxOS-2010
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4. LinPacker
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5. VFU File Manager
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6. LeftHand Mała Księgowość
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7. MISU pyFotoResize
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8. Lefthand CRM
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9. MetadataExtractor
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10. RCP100
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11. Predaj softveru
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12. MSH Free Autoresponder
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