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> Software list : : EMULATORS-->another

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Sope 2896x
Sope is a portable Playstation emulator for Unix systems with X-Window, using OpenGL as rendering engine.
Xmame-fe[..]xmame-fe.html 2739x
Xmame-fe a Tcl/TK frontend for xmame.
Zinc 2678x
Zinc is the Z-machine Including Network Capabilities. Zinc allows you to play text adventure games.
Z80Em[..]gel/misc.html 2621x
A portable Z80 emulator with an integrated single-step debugger, a portable disassembler, and two engines.
SNEmul 2587x
SNEmul is Super NES Emulator for the PC.
WineXS 2566x
GUI for Wine
Sensor Sweep Applet[..]sweep_applet/ 2509x
Sensor Sweep Applet is a Gnome panel applet that allows you to monitor your systems health through the lm_sensors kernel modules. Sensor Sweep is extremely configurable allowing you to specify exactly which sensors you wish to monitor.
Romeo 2508x
Romeo is a Java based MAME frontend.
KQEMU 2442x
A KDE (QT3) front-end for QEmu cpu emulator. QEMU is a FAST! processor emulator using dynamic translation to achieve good emulation speed. KQEMU makes it easier to launch QEmu directly or create scripts for easy launching of QEmu environments.
Nestra 2439x
NEStra is dynamic recompiler NES emulation.
Mamory 2426x
Mamory is a library for ROM management in emulator-related projects. It also has a CLI client.
KTamaga 2405x
KTamaga is a free Tamagotchi emulator for X-Window systems with KDE.
Virtual Jaguar[..]irtualjaguar/ 2191x
Virtual Jaguar is a portable Jaguar emulator which is based on the source code released by David Raingeard of Potato emulation.
fewnn[..]lorenb/fewnn/ 2169x
fewnn is a frontend for different game emulators (such as xmame and tuxnes). It's written for the GNOME 2.x platform using C#/Gtk#.
tuxarcade 2075x
TuxArcade is a multi-emulator frontend. It's designed for arcade cabinets, so it doesn't need a keyboard and a mouse, but is completely configurable via joystick. It includes theme support.
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