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> Software list : : WINDOW MANAGERS-->window managers

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Enlightenment 29754x
Enlightenment is a window manager for X. Its design goal is to be as configurable as possible - in look AND in feel. Enlightenment's current design aim is to become a desktop shell. That means it will manage your application windows, being able to launch applications, and also manage your files. This is pasted text from site. Please check for more info about product. (site completely in english)
fvwm 29480x
FVWM is a multiple large virtual desktop window manager originally derived from twm.
Pekwm 23218x
The Pekwm Window Manager is written by Claes Nästen. The code is based on the aewm++ window manager, but it has evolved enough that it no longer resembles aewm++ at all. It also has an expanded feature-set, including window grouping (similar to ion, pwm, or fluxbox), auto properties, xinerama and keygrabber that supports keychains, and much more.
Qvwm 20380x
Qvwm is a Windows 95 like window manager for the X Window System. It allows Windows 95/NT users to use the X Window System without a hassle and X Window System users to use Windows 95 without a hassle.
FluxBox 19502x
Window manager based od BlackBox, but how author of this project answer the question "So what's the difference between fluxbox and blackbox then?"..."LOTS" and he sais true. Main features of FluxBox is own configurability(there's nothing, which could not be changed, deleted or added) a nd fluent work on the fragiler computers. There are a lot of themes to change visage of your desktop.
Xilicius Graphical Enviroment[..]ng/index.html 18347x
XIGE is a X11 window manager, is fast, beauty gradients, slight, new handling menus, themes (cursors, colors, textures, fonts), ideal for programmers, servers and laptops. "XIGEsetRoot" and "xigeconfig" tools for quick configuration.
XPde & XPwm 14283x
It's a desktop environment(XPde) and a window manager(XPwm) for Linux. It tries to make easier for Windows XP users to use a Linux box. Nothing more, no clipboard compatibility between Gtk and Qt applications, no emulation of Windows applications, no unification on the widgets of X applications, just a desktop environment and a window manager.
WMI - Window Manager Improved 12549x
WMI is a window manager for X11 which combines the best ideas/features of larswm, ion, and trswm into one window manager.
Xfce 11683x
XFce is a lightweight desktop environment for various *NIX systems. Designed for productivity, it loads and executes applications fast, while conserving system resources.
Window Maker 11524x
Good windows manager, which doesn't try to resemble Windows API (it's designed to look like NextStep instead). Kvalitní window manager, který se nesnaží podobat Windows (nýbrž NextStepu). It handles window frames, menu and dock. Dock is a special banner at the screens border which can hold application icons or special little dockapps (see Window Maker is blazing fast, modest in memory and disk usage. You may use WPrefs or WMakerConf to change its configuration. Supports dualhead and Xinerama.
Kahakai 8895x
Lightwieght multidesktop window manager, based on Waimea. Supports transluent menus and window titlebars, GNOME, KDE, Xinarama and dockapps. Uses python scripting for powerful configuration. Styles are compatible with Blackbox and its derivatives.
BlackBox 6618x
Blackbox is that fast, light window manager you have been looking for without all those annoying library dependancies. If you have a C++ compiler and the X Window System you can compile and use it.
xfce-goodies 6436x
The "Goodies for Xfce" project includes additional software and artwork that are related to the Xfce desktop.
icewm 5530x
IceWM is a window manager for the X11 Window System. The goal of IceWM is speed, simplicity, and not getting in the user's way.
Metacity[..]~hp/metacity/ 4707x
Metacity is a lightweight window manager written by Havoc Pennington from Red Hat. The first version was 2.3, which was released in 2001. It is implemented with the GTK+ 2.x toolkit, and so integrates well with the GNOME 2.x platform. In fact the intention is to remove the traditional separation between window manager and desktop, and present to the user a single desktop interface. This means that the limited configuration options available for Metacity are shown as desktop options, not as Metacity options (although there is an optional "Metacity-setup" panel which conflicts with this approach).
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