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> Software list : : UTILITIES-->file managers

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Midnight Commander MP[..]i-bin/dir.cgi 3267x
Midnight Commander MP is an advanced clone of the famous Midnight Commander without Tk, xv, or GNOME parts (including GLib).
VFU File Manager 3021x
VFU is console (text mode) file manager for UNIX.
FSViewer[..]nux/fsviewer/ 2831x
FSViewer is a FileViewer lookalike for Window Maker. It is written in C using the WINGs library.
ROX-Filer[..]php/ROX-Filer 2778x
Drag-and-drop based filemanager.
kruiser 2728x
Kruiser is a Win95-like file system explorer provided under the GPL. The interface is mainly inspired from Win95, but kruiser adds many new features. Currenlty supported are file operations, FTP operations, SMB browsing and mounting, normal devices mounting, MDI, KDE mime types use, image browsing with thumbnails, archive browsing (tar, zip, rpm), ...
Gtk File Browser[..]eBrowser.html 2673x
GTK File Browser is supposed to be an Explorer-like tool with network integration. It is under development using GTK.
Demos Commander - deco[..]rojects/deco/ 2572x
deco is one of the first attempt to create an OFM. It was written by Serge Vakulenko in 1989 and as of this writing it is still used and maintained. But due to its simplicity and speed it has more than historical value. Although not that powerful deco is lightweight (about 100K source archive versus 350K for MC) and feels faster than MC. The latest version also uses GNU configure which makes it easy to port (esp. in comparison to 4 years old version). In other words deco is a kind of VC in UNIX environment -- small, fast flexible, portable and extremely useful for troubleshooting.
Beesoft Commander 2485x
Linux DiskTool 2355x
DiskTool is a small, full-featured file manager for the Linux console or an xterm-style terminal.
DragStacK[..]ts/dragstack/ 2318x
DragStacK is a kicker applet, a stack of files. It was inspired by the drops stack of the PathFinder file manager for OS X.
PyFile 2288x
PyFile is a graphical file browser written in pygame (Python/SDL). It features all common file browser options as well as additional functions like regular expression filtering, directory bookmarking, etc.
Brutal File Manager 2266x
BFM (Brutal Filemanager) is a mixture between a filemanager and a 3D shoot-'em-up game. In fact, you can't really manage the files yet, just shoot them up. Be carefull when using BFM! Some weapons, such as the shotgun, have spread. So files you didn't really aim at might get ... wasted. Start BFM with the '-s' for safemode and your files shall stay unhurt. It is written in Java and uses the Java3D API.
cdargs[..]tware/cdargs/ 2174x
CDargs heavily enhances the navigation of the common unix file-system inside the shell. It plugs into the shell built-in cd-command (via a shell function or an alias) and thus adds bookmarks and a browser to it. It enables you to move to a very distant place in the file-system with just a few keystrokes. This is the kind of thing that power shell users invent when even the almighty and wonderful TAB-completion is too much typing. (Just as a side-note: there exists TAB-completion for cdargs ;-)
fbrowse 2125x
fbrowse is a Web-based file browser. It supports image previews and selectable styles.
emelFM 2115x
emelFM is a file manager that implements the popular two-pane design. It features a simple GTK+ interface, a flexible filetyping scheme, and a built-in command line for executing commands without opening an xterm.
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