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> Software list : : UTILITIES-->file managers

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Filecentral[..]/filecentral/ 2083x
Filecentral is a filesystem browser and file manager. It uses the navigational model of the OSX finder, but tries to integrate into the GNOME Desktop. It uses gnome-vfs and is thus also able to manage remote files.
YAFFA 2060x
YAFFA is an SFTP/FTP application and filemanager with both a console-based user interface and a GTK-based user interface.
Gollem 2014x
Gollem provides a Web-based file manager built on top of Horde's VFS (Virtual File System) API layer. Therefore it works with any VFS backend, which currently includes FTP, SQL, and a native filesystem driver.
slocate 1983x
Mini Gtk+ File Manager 1968x
Mini Gtk+ File Manager is a lightweight file manager for X.
JavaExplorer[..]javaexplorer/ 1952x
Platform independant explorer with many features.
BitRock InstallBuilder 1942x
BitRock InstallBuilder allows you to create easy to use Linux and Windows installers that can be run in GUI, text and unattended modes.
Demos Commander 1916x
A clone of Norton Commander for Unix.
Endeavour 1906x
Endeavour is a file system browser and image viewer. It supports all the capabilities you expect in a file manager.
Worker 1905x
Worker is a file-manager exclusive for X based on the famous filemanager "DirectoryOpus" on the AmigaOS. It is configurable on the fly without restarting Worker. Any extern program can be easily integrated in the GUI, including a button and a hotkey. Worker uses real file-recognition on file-content AND/OR file-ending, where each file-type can get an own action.
Pfm 1905x
'pfm' is a terminal-based file manager. All commands are one- or two-key. It features colored filenames according to extension or type, a single-file and multiple-file mode, support for executing user-defined commands (including wildcards) with only two keystrokes, and uses the ReadLine library for friendly commandline editing.
GFileRunner 1897x
GFileRunner is a GNOME file manager aimed to be a nicer, faster, and more powerful replacement for the current popular file manager, Nautilus.
TkDesk 1874x
TkDesk is a graphical file manager for Unix and the X-Window System. It offers a very rich set of file operations and services, and provides the user with an immense amount of configurability.
TDFSB[..]eander/TDFSB/ 1871x
TDFSB reads directory information and displays it as a 3D world. cd'ing into another directory is possible by simply walking into the assigned sphere. It also reads images and text files and displays their contents.
3dFB[..]rojects/dz3d/ 1869x
3dFB is a 3D file manager. 2D file managers work nicely, but with 3D, you can display much more information. The aim of this project is to make a viable, workable, 3D file manager that is not a hog on resources and can actually be usable.
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