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esmtp 12020x
esmtp is a user configurable relay-only Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) with a sendmail compatible syntax.
MiddleMan[..]s/middle-man/ 11839x
MiddleMan is a fast HTTP/HTTPS proxy server.It uses an XML configuration file, and fully implements the HTTP 1.1 protocol, including persistent proxy connections. It has file, host, cookie, header, and content filtering, and can forward through both socks4 and regular http/https proxies.
Libra FTP daemon 11396x
Libra FTP daemon is an anonymous FTP server for Linux. All standard FTP commands are fully supported. In addition the server implements wide-spread non-standard FTP features like directory messages, MD5 sum calculation, and session timeout. As an additional feature it has a read-only mode. Last release provides also a native IPv6 support.
MyDNS 10278x
MyDNS is a free DNS server for UNIX. It was implemented from scratch and is designed to serve records directly from an SQL database (currently either MySQL or PostgreSQL). Its primary objectives are stability, security, interoperability, and speed, though not necessarily in that order. MyDNS does not include recursive name service, nor a resolver library. It is primarily designed for organizations with many zones and/or resource records who desire the ability to perform real-time dynamic updates on their DNS data via MySQL. MyDNS supports a few frills, including round robin DNS, dynamic load balancing, and outgoing AXFR for non-MyDNS nameservers. MyDNS starts and is ready to answer questions immediately, no matter how much DNS data you have in the database. It is very fast and memory-efficient.
Apache 9190x
Apache is one of the most using web server.
lighttpd[..]cts/lighttpd/ 8929x
lighttpd is a secure, fast, compliant, and very flexible Web server which has been optimized for high-performance environments. It has a very low memory footprint compared to other Web servers, and it takes care of CPU load.
python Postfix Policy Server[..]policyserver/ 8548x
python Postfix Policy Server is a policy server based on the Twisted framework. Currently, checking greylisting, SPF, and invalid sender domains are supported.
Mount ISO image[..]ndex/mountiso 8396x
Mount ISO Image is a KDE service menu that allows you to rightclick an ISO image and mount it to a directory.
webfs 7900x
This is a simple http server for purely static content. You can use it to serve the content of a ftp server via http for example. It is also nice to export some files the quick way by starting a http server in a few seconds, without editing some config file first.
Teapop 7458x
Teapop is an RFC1939 and RFC2449 compliant POP3-server, which is quickly gaining world-wide recognition. With its' flexible virtual domain support, Teapop distinguishes itself from other POP3-servers. The possibility to authenticate users in several different ways, for example PostgreSQL-databases and Apache htpasswd files, lets Teapop adapt itself to Your setup, rather than the other way around as with traditional POP3-servers.
vsftpd 7340x
Probably the most secure and fastest FTP server for UNIX-like systems.
syslog-ng[..]ts/syslog_ng/ 7146x
syslog-ng, as the name shows, is a syslogd replacement, but with new functionality for the new generation. The original syslogd allows messages only to be sorted based on priority/facility pairs; syslog-ng adds the possibility to filter based on message contents using regular expressions. The new configuration scheme is intuitive and powerful. Forwarding logs over TCP makes it ideal for firewalled environments.
Sendmail Relay Daemon 5749x
The sendmail relay daemon updates the sendmail access.db files when user connects to a client. This allows clients with dynamic IPs to use the mailserver.
Muddleftpd 5279x
Muddleftpd is an FTP server designed to overcome the need for working as root without limiting the access protection and safety of a regular FTP server.
PS-HTTPD[..]bian/pshttpd/ 5240x
PS-HTTPD is a HTTP-server written in Postscript. It is very simple (even if the code is somewhat complex) but can handle the basic tasks of a web-server.
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