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> Software list : : INTERNET-->e-mail clients

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Cronos II 1828x
Cronos II - A powerful GNOME mail client which is very fast and light.
FeLaMiMail 1826x
An IMAP email client for EGroupware.
MadMail 1823x
MadMail is a simple Webmail client which can handle POP3, SMTP, and IMAP servers.
Deinonychus 1818x
Deinonychus is an email client written in Java featuring a GUI built with SWT. Supports MIME, Hotmail access, IMAP access, POP access, and SMTP.
Cone[..]ne/index.html 1816x
Cone (COnsole Newsreader And Emailer) is a text-based email client.
JMail 1805x
JMail is a mail client written in Java. It handles attached files, HTML mails, filters and other stuff... It can be used with a LDAP directory.
NOCC 1804x
NOCC is a simple and fast Webmail client which can handle POP3, SMTP, and IMAP servers. It is written with PHP4 (uses sessions), has low requirements (no database, frames). Features multi-language support, MIME attachments, displays HTML messages.
YANOCC[..]jects/yanocc/ 1800x
YANOCC is a simple and fast webmail client which can handle POP3, SMTP, and IMAP servers. YANOCC is based on NOCC's code and is written with PHP4.
WapReader 1797x
WapReader is WAP-based PHP email client. It use IMAP/POP3 and SMTP protocols to connect to mail server.
Pooka 1796x
Pooka is an email client written in Java, using the Javamail API.
Mpop 1796x
Mpop retrieves mails from POP3 mailboxes and delivers them via a mail delivery agent (MDA) such as procmail.
Null Webmail[..]/nullwebmail/ 1791x
Null Webmail is a simple yet powerful POP3/SMTP Webmail CGI written in C. It's small, fast, complete, and a breeze to install and use.
Ec[..]jects/ecmail/ 1786x
A graphical mail program for Unix and X. Ec supports reading, composing, and filtering messages. It can send and receive mail to and from POP3 and SMTP servers, and route mail using sendmail, exim, and qmail. It also supports base-64 MIME attachments and multiple accounts.
lfwmail 1785x
lfwmail is a lightweight webmail program. It will run with acceptable speed even on a Pentium 100Mhz Linux mailserver. It has just basic features and no calendar or folders, but it is fully MIME capable and can handle attachments. It is also very secure when you use https encryption. It converts HTML messages to ASCII for security reasons, but you can still see the HTML versions if you want. The code is clean and structured. The installation is straight forward and doesn't require a lot of non-standard modules.
Jwapmail 1785x
Jwapmail is opensource wap (wml) based email client (wapmail) written in PHP using IMAP protocols to communicate with the mailbox server.
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