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> Software list : : UTILITIES-->monitoring

The newest SW   Total count SW item: 442   Top download SW
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gpdial_applet[..]te/index.html 1241x
gpdial_applet is a GNOME panel applet that can monitor a file.
akpi[..]scription.php 1237x
A utility which uses acpi to monitor the battery status of an notebook.
PyTail[..]jects/pytail/ 491x
PyTail is a logfile monitor written in Python and GTK+. It allows simultaneous monitoring of any number of logfiles, and supports telnet, pipe channels, and alerts.
modlogan[..]cts/modlogan/ 0x
MODular LOGfile ANalyzer is a modular logfile analyzer which supports the extended logfile format, common logfile format and Wu-FTP logfiles.
Webminstats 0x
Webminstats is a basic system static logging application that graphs the results. It's first use is system analysis.
amandalogp[..]s/amandalogp/ 0x
amandalogp is a package whose goal is to facilitate the interpretation of logs/reports produced by Amanda.
traffic-vis[..]ffic-vis.html 0x
traffic-vis is a suite of tools to help determine which hosts have been communicating on an IP network, with whom they have been communicating and the volume of communication taking place on a host by host basis. Reports can be generated in ASCII and/or HTML format. traffic-vis can also generate Postscript(tm) and GIF charts showing which hosts have communicated with each other.
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1. Pacman linux
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2. FreeBSD
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3. PCLinuxOS-2010
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4. alcolix
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5. Onebase Linux
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6. Novell Linux Desktop
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7. KateOS
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1. xinetd
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3. spkg
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4. LinPacker
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5. VFU File Manager
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6. LeftHand Mała Księgowość
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7. MISU pyFotoResize
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8. Lefthand CRM
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9. MetadataExtractor
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10. RCP100
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11. Predaj softveru
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12. MSH Free Autoresponder
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