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> Software list : : SECURITY-->IDS

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Midas 22688x
MIDAS is a cross platform Monitoring and NIDS server. The goal of this project is to build a robust and complete network/system monitoring suite that is capable of scaling to very large networks.
logcheck, logsentry[..]rum_id=275043 14208x
The Sentry tools provide host-level security services for the Unix platform. PortSentry, Logcheck/LogSentry, and HostSentry protect against portscans, automate log file auditing, and detect suspicious login activity on a continuous basis.
labrea 7935x
Intrusion detection / "sticky" honey pot technology using virtual servers to detect and trap worms, hackers, and other malware.
Claymore[..]gic/claymore/ 4570x
Claymore is an intrusion detection and integrity monitoring system. To accomplish its task, it reads in a list of files stored in flat ASCII and uses Digest::MD5 to check their integrity against that recorded earlier in a database. If the database is placed on a read-only medium such as a write-protected floppy, it should provide a record against remotely-installed trojan horses.
Dnotify[..]/dnotify.html 4520x
Dnotify is a simple program that makes it possible to execute a command every time the contents of a specific directory change in linux. It is run from the command line and takes two arguments: one or more directories to monitor and a command to execute whenever a directory has changed. Options control what events to trigger on: when a file was read in the directory, when one was created, deleted and so on.
Firestorm 4285x
Firestorm is an extremely high performance network intrusion detection system (NIDS)
Prelude 4208x
IDS which includes Network IDS, "host based" IDS. You can add modules, different platforms are supported, web-based GUI. And many more...
Integrit 4050x
Integrit is a more simple alternative to file integrity verification programs like tripwire and aide. It helps you determine whether an intruder has modified a computer system.
SID-IDS 4010x
SID-IDS is a host intrusion detection system. The kernel part plugs into a terminal-processing subsystem and logs hashed terminal lines. The user part reads log entries (hashes) and takes appropriate action upon unexpected log entries.
ImSafe 3891x
ImSafe (Immune Security For your Enterprise) is a host-based intrusion detection tool. After a learning phase, it is able to detect changes in processes behavior, to detect buffer overflows, etc. It is implemented through a device driver (as a kernel patch) for the Linux kernel, but can also be run on other UNIX systems by using a "sensor" built upon strace.
glFlow 3806x
glFlow is a (D)DoS logger written with speed in mind. It detects attacks on high speed links through real-time flow aggregation and analysis.
CodeSeeker[..]s/codeseeker/ 3568x
CodeSeeker is an application level firewall and intrusion detection system that is not a packet proxy, but rather a plugin to the TCP stack itself.
Placid 3302x
Placid is a Web-based frontend for Snort that uses MySQL. It supports searching, sorting, and graphing of events.
Nift[..]rojects/nift/ 3231x
Nift - (Network Intrusion Footprinting Tool) is graphical front-end (written in gtk+) for footprinting tools and methods already freely avaliable. It's purpose is to aid sys-admins in securing their site by allowing them to quickly check their network
check-ps 2763x
Devialog is a behavior/anomaly-based syslog intrusion detection system which detects unknown attacks via anomalies in syslog.
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