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> Software list : : SECURITY-->IDS

The newest SW   Total count SW item: 20   Top download SW
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SIDEN 2460x
SIDEN is a distributed network discovery tool used for intrusion detection research. The current SIDEN architecture allows you to simulate coordinated/distributed network probes by a group of attackers.
I-AM-DOH[..]s-iamdoh.html 2175x
IAMDOH is a tool designed to increase the reliability of an IDS by reducing the number of false positives. It uses existing reliable tools like Nmap, Nessus, and Amap to validate IDS alerts.
SPADE 2158x
This is the resurrection of the SPADE project originally conceived by Silicon Defence. The SPADE project statistically analyses packets on a network to determine if they are "normal" or "not normal" based upon past historical analysis of network traffic. It is a pre-processor for the SNORT IDS system.
FCheck 2122x
An open source PERL script providing intrusion detection and policy enforcement of Windows 95/98/NT/3.x and Unix server administration through the use of comparative system snapshots.
ICU[..]7Enitzer/ICU/ 2014x
ICU (Integrity Checking Utility) is a Perl program used for executing AIDE filesystem integrity checks on remote hosts from an ICU server and sending reports via email.
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1. Pacman linux
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2. FreeBSD
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3. PCLinuxOS-2010
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4. alcolix
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5. Onebase Linux
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6. Novell Linux Desktop
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7. KateOS
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1. xinetd
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3. spkg
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4. LinPacker
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5. VFU File Manager
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6. LeftHand Mała Księgowość
Download: 6972x
7. MISU pyFotoResize
Download: 2690x
8. Lefthand CRM
Download: 3475x
9. MetadataExtractor
Download: 0x
10. RCP100
Download: 2982x
11. Predaj softveru
Download: 0x
12. MSH Free Autoresponder
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