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> Home page of user: Lukáš Váňa

Activity -
User profile Article (6) Software (1) Distributions (0) Wallpapers (0)
Scripts (0) Discussion items (11)

List of Ours discussion items
Item name Create date
Hezke 20.6.2009 12:58
LinuxSoft mel zustat u software 28.2.2009 18:41
Hezky clanek 8.4.2008 12:25
GeoCaching 27.6.2007 14:08
Re: Instalace Ubuntu - problém 4.4.2007 12:59
Re: Programy v linuxe 24.5.2006 18:47
Re: Java plugin nefunguje 10.4.2006 22:42
Dobra hra 9.12.2005 21:32
DEB 25.10.2005 19:26
Re: Problem s gFTP 27.2.2005 19:21
Skvele prostredi 20.3.2004 11:46