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> WindowLab

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screenshot WindowLab is a small and simple window manager of novel design. It is click-to-focus, shares its window depth policy with the Amiga, and has a window resizing/reshaping method similar to that of 8-1/2 from Plan 9. It maintains the illusion of direct manipulation by constraining the mouse pointer when appropriate (i.e., when a window cannot be dragged any further in one direction). The pointer is also constrained vertically (effectively making the target menu items infinitely tall according to Fitts's law) when it is in the menubar to reduce pointing time.

Data dodania: 22.7.2004 15:46
GUI: yes
Terminal: no
Licencja: GPL
Strona domowa:
Twórca: Nick Gravgaard
Firma deweloperska:
Oprogramowanie alternatywne w Windows:

Wymagania instalacyjne (oprogramowanie):

Wymagania instalacyjne (sprzęt):

Ocena: jeszcze nie oceniono -  Pobierz

Typ pakietu Pobierz Rozmiar w kB
source[..]wlab-1.24.tar 150
Dadane przez: Yippee


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