Nazwa oprogramowania |
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KFormula | |
1605x |
KFormula is an easy to use formula editor. It provides the basic input facilities and the support functionality you come to expect of a KOffice application. But there is more. Some of its most exciting features are:
-Easy Greek letter insertion
-Intelligent cursor movement
-Advanced syntax highlighting
-Multi-level undo support
-LaTeX export (copy and paste into a text editor)
Organon |[..]/organon.html |
1601x |
Organon is a project manager written in Perl using the Perl/Tk module.
MyAddressbook | |
1595x |
MyAddressBook is a web-based e-mail address book, written in PHP and MySQL, and designed to interface with your default e-mail client. It has a clean, easy-to-use interface, stores addresses in categories, and allows users to easily compose mail to multiple recipients.
MZFriends |[..]oni/mzfr.html |
1590x |
a very simple database program. It was made to be an address book
Kotitz | |
1588x |
provides address management via KDE/Qt and Mysql Database, especially for german non profit organisations
Kexchange |[..]cts/kexchange |
1588x |
KExchange to konwerter dla 150 różnych walut używający aktualnych kursów z PACIFIC Exchange Rate Service.
OpenOffice Indexer |[..]indexer2.html |
1573x |
The OpenOffice Indexer provides following features:
* Indexing for all OpenOffice document types
* Easy access to cataloged documents
* Low installation efford: start the OpenOffice Indexer simply in command line or periodicaly as chron job, thats all.
* For free: The OpenOffice Indexer can be freely used, modified and distributed under the terms of the GPL.
UNGI Facturier | |
1566x |
A business management system for small to medium companies.
xcave | |
1564x |
xcave jest aplikacją do zarządzania piwnicą z winami.
php-residence |[..]residence/en/ |
1558x |
A Web-based rental property management system.
timespan |[..]cts/timespan/ |
1532x |
calculates time (days, hours, minutes, or seconds) between 1 Jan 1970 and the specified date or between two specified dates
pdfmodify |[..]dfmodify.html |
1521x |
pdfmodify pozwala na edycję dokumentów PDF. Można za jego pomocą dodawać informacje do wielu plików na raz. Łatwy do użycia w skryptach CGI.
txCheckbook |[..]12/index.html |
1511x |
txCheckbook is a small console-based checkbook balancing program. It includes only basic functionality: no pie charts or gross earnings estimates. It simply balances your checkbook.
jStock | |
1509x |
jStock is a tool, written in Java, for technical analysis of stocks.
Anduril Consulting Management System | |
1506x |
A management system for consulting firms.