Nazwa oprogramowania |
Strona domowa |
Pobierane |
freescope | |
2207x |
freescope jest narzędziem dla programistów pozwalającym na przeglądanie kodów źródłowych. Program jest klonem cscope.
IzPack | |
2158x |
IzPack jest potężnym narzędziem do tworzenia programów instalacyjnych napisanym w Javie.
FAQ Builder |[..]pci/perl/#FAQ |
2158x |
Generates an html document based on the questions & answers as stored in the data file.
Slime UML |[..]ime/slime.htm |
2158x |
Slime UML (SLIm Modelling Environment) jest szybką i potężną wtyczką dla platformy Eclipse. Pozwala w prosty sposób tworzyć dokumentację kodu źródłowego napisanego w Javie.
princed | |
2153x |
The development of an open source Prince Of Persia Level editor for PC, a new game engine and complementary tools.
libsuma |[..]index.en.html |
2123x |
The simplest form of making a library with the GNU C compiler.
launch4j | |
2121x |
Cross-platform Java application wrapper for creating Windows native EXEs.
JOR | |
2117x |
JOR is a lightweight Java Object Relation mapping tool that is very simple to use.
cscope | |
2110x |
Cscope jest interaktywnym, konsolowym narzędziem do przeglądania kodów źródłowych w poszukiwaniu określonych elementów.
OverApps Intranet |[..]cts/overapps/ |
2109x |
OverApps GroupWare is an instant intranet software for Windows. OverApps allows you to create Web based GroupWare in a few minutes.
KCachegrind | |
2064x |
KCachegrind visualizes profiles (i.e. runtime characteristics) of applications in various ways,
including call graph vizualisations and source/disassembler annotation.
Use it to find performance bottlenecks
Hibernate | |
2052x |
Hibernate is a powerful, ultra-high performance object/relational persistence and query service for Java. Hibernate lets you develop persistent classes following common Java idiom - including association, inheritance, polymorphism, composition and the Java collections framework. The Hibernate Query Language, designed as a "minimal" object-oriented extension to SQL, provides an elegant bridge between the object and relational worlds. Hibernate also allows you to express queries using native SQL or Java-based Criteria and Example queries. Hibernate is now the most popular object/relational mapping solution for Java.
phpMySearch | |
2047x |
phpMySearch is a personal search engine that one can use to provide a search feature for one's own Web site. It is very easy to install, and the configuration can be changed via a Web browser. phpMySearch is easy to integrate into an existing site because it uses templates. Supported document formats include HTML, PDF, and plain text. Outdated documents are automatically detected and deleted from the database.
RPy | |
2044x |
RPy to bardzo prosty interfejs Pythona do języka programowania R.
Umbrello UML Modeller | |
2041x |
Umbrello UML Modeller is a Unified Modelling Language diagram programme for KDE. UML allows you to create diagrams of software and other systems in a standard format. Our handbook gives a good introduction to Umbrello and UML modelling.