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Fcron | |
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Fcron is a periodical command scheduler which aims at replacing Vixie Cron, so it implements most of its functionalities. But fcron does not assume that your system is running neither all the time nor regularly : you can, for instance, tell fcron to execute tasks every x hours y minutes of system up time or to do a job only once in a specified interval of time.
parexec |[..]ge/index.html |
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parexec executes multiple commands in parallel and displays their output clearly in one shell using ncurses, and makes it possible to terminate them all with one keystroke. The commands are read from stdin, and lines containing a single "-" instruct the program to wait until all previous commands have finished before executint further commands.
CalcChecksum | |
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CalcChecksum is a tool for calculating MD5, MD4, CRC32, SHA1 (SHA160), SHA256, RIPE-MD-160, TIGER, HAVAL (128, 160, 192, 224, 256 with 3, 4 or 5 passes) on files, text-strings or hash-lists generated by md5sum or sha1sum.
CalcChecksum is a KDE/QT 3.1 application.
Meteo | |
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used to retrieve meteorological data from a Davis Weather Monitor II, Perception, Weather Wizard or a Davis Vantage Pro Station
CDSearch |[..]ch/index.html |
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CDSearch is a tool for searching for files on removable media. It works by indexing the media once and storing the directory listing in a simple database. This database can then be queried by filename or regular expression. It is built using Python's GTK interface.
PyFloppy |[..]se/index.html |
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A nicer gui tool for formatting floppy disks.
Allen Bradley PCMK Driver |[..]rojects/abpd/ |
1632x |
Allen Bradley PCMK Driver to moduł PCMCIA i dedykowane narzędzie działające w trybie użytkownika, używające karty Allen Bradley PCMK do porozumiewania się z innymi urządzeniami poprzez magistralę Data Highway Plus.
KLinkStatus |[..]content=12318 |
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KLinkStatus is a KDE link checker.
RoboTracker |[..]/robotracker/ |
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Robotracker is a free (in the sense of lunch) time-tracking tool that can be used by anybody who needs to know how much time they spend doing stuff.
fbpanel | |
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fbpanel is a lightweight, NETWM compliant desktop panel. It works with any NETWM compliant window manager (eg xfwm4, sawfish, openbox, metacity, kde wm )
Restricted RSH Daemon |[..]rshd/releases |
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rrshd różni się od rshd tym, że ignoruje rzekome dane identyfikacyjne zdalnego użytkownika i bezwarunkowo wykonuje zadania jako użytkownik nieuprzywilejowany ("nobody" lub podobny). Pozwala wyłącznie na uruchamianie programów wypisanych w pliku konfiguracyjnym (/etc/rsh.allow) i uruchamia te programy bezpośrednio, bez użycia shella.
KS3switch |[..]tch/index.php |
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KS3switch is frontend for command line utility S3switch that allow owners of S3 Savage graphic cards to use the CRT and/or the TV output on GNU/Linux. You also have the possibility to select the TV mode (PAL, NTSC, NTSCJ) your TV can display. In order to have always a little icon in the icon bar allowing me to switch with 2 clicks at any time. It as easy as under M$ !
pyreverse |[..]ts/pyreverse/ |
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pyreverse to zestaw narzędzi do reverse engineeringu kodu napisanego w Pythonie. Umożliwia analizę zależności, generowanie dokumentacji i XMI do importu w narzędziu modelującym UML.
PCI40A/FastDAC Linux driver |[..]korol1/pci40/ |
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Sterownik dla przemysłowej płyty PCI40 oraz FastDAC. Jest to pierwsza publiczna wersja sterownika, więc nie posiada zbyt wiele funkcjonalności, ale zawiera wszystkie podstawowe funkcje.
xlcrack |[..]~njl98r/code/ |
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Narzędzie do "odzyskiwania" ;) zagubionych haseł do plików Excela.