Nazwa oprogramowania |
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Nogger |[..]00jkr/nogger/ |
7635x |
Small, lightweight Ogg Vorbis player using GTK 2
Entagged | |
7434x |
Entagged jest narzędziem do tworzenia tagów korzystającym z bazy freedb napisanym w Javie.
GNU Denemo | |
7279x |
Denemo to edytor nut muzycznych. Został napisany w C z użyciem GTK+. Denemo został zaprojektowany tak, aby można było wprowadzać do niego dane raczej za pomocą klawiatury niż myszy. Jest przeznaczony do użycia jako frontend dla GNU Lilypond, ale równie dobrze można go zaadaptować do innych komputerowo-muzycznych celów.
AcidRip | |
7269x |
AcidRip is a simple interface designed ot make ripping DVD's in linux painfully easy. It uses MPlayer's MEncoder to encode films to any format that MPlayer currently supports. Aswell as using MEncoder, AcidRip also automates a number of aspects, allowing an entire DVD to be encoded with just one click. No long drawnout parameters to set, makes everything nice and simple, whilst still allowing full customization for more advanced users.
VLC | |
7222x |
VideoLAN Client (VLC) to odtwarzacz mediów dla Uniksa, Windows, Mac OS X, BeOS, QNX i PocketPC. Odtwarza większość kodeków audio i wideo (MPEG 1/2/4, DivX, WMV, Vorbis, AC3, AAC itp.).
Mp3blaster | |
6887x |
Mp3blaster is an interactive text-based mp3player. One of the unique features of this player is the ability to divide a playlist into groups (albums). Therefore, the play order can be adjusted with great flexibility.
domo | |
6855x |
Domo is a music organizer which indexes digital audio sources, extracts all information and inserts everything into a relational database (MySQL)
ktag | |
6764x |
ktag aims to be the simpliest tool for editing mp3 and ogg tags.
It support adding and saving picture in id3v2 tags.
orpheus | |
6569x |
Orpheus to działający w trybie tekstowym, obsługiwany z poziomu menu odtwarzacz audio dla CD, Ogg i MP3.
Lien MP3 Player | |
6492x |
Lien Mp3 to prosty i łatwy w obsłudze odtwarzacz MP3 i Audio CD dla Linuksa z interfejsem curses.
KTTS - the KDE Text-to-Speech System |[..]eloper/kttsd/ |
6320x |
KTTS - KDE Text-to-Speech - is a subsystem within the KDE desktop for conversion of text to audible speech. KTTS is currently under development and aims to become the standard subsystem for all KDE applications to provide speech output.
MpegTV Player 1.2.5 | |
6135x |
MpegTV Player is a real-time MPEG Video Player that provides access to MpegTV's real-time MPEG Video playback library.
The Linux version can also play Video CDs. It's a useful application if you like to view streamed and saved video clips.
MPlayerXP | |
6107x |
MPlayerXP is a branch of the well known mplayer ( which is based on the new (thread based) core. The new core provides better CPU utilization and excellently improves performance of video decoding. Main goal of this project is to get monotonous CPU loading during movie playback.
GQmpeg | |
6002x |
GQmpeg is a front end to various audio players, including mpg123, ogg123, and xmp. Also works with mpg321. It includes playlist support and is very configurable.
Sonic-Rainbow | |
5964x |
Sonic-Rainbow is a Linux GUI Multimedia Player that provides a CD Player, CD Ripper, Ogg Player, MP3 Player, CD Ripper, Utilises CDDB HTTP to download CD information and Tag Ogg files as it rips them. Maintains CDDB information locally and displays it when playing CD's. Displays MP3 embedded Artist and Track Title information. Provides a playlist editor. Can play playlists containing a mixture of Ogg and MP3 Files. Playlists may also contain files and directorys of music files.