Nazwa oprogramowania |
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Gimp Gallery | |
4996x |
a plugin for Gimp that creates static HTML image galleries from a directory of images
Perico | |
4972x |
Picture editor on pixel basis.
A simple tool to change digital images.
It allows to resize, cut, copy and rotate. Also tools like brush and filter are available.
3DPlanetary |[..]lanetary.html |
4908x |
3DPlanetary is a program that shows the solar system with 22 bodies in real-time. It shows the planets of solar sytem and some of their satellites, all textured and in the correct position. There is also a Planetarium, in which you can see all the bright stars (over 3000), and planets. You can zoom on a planet and look it as if through a telescope.
Pcb |[..]projects/pcb/ |
4894x |
Pcb to poręczne narzędzie dla X Window do projektowania obwodów drukowanych. Jednostką wszystkich współrzędnych jest 1/1000 cala. Layout składa się z podzielonych na oddzielne warstwy linii, łuków, wielokątów, elementów (z linii, pinów i łuków), przelotek oraz informacji tekstowych. Każde z nich jest identyfikowane za pomocą unikalnej nazwy i koloru. Obwody SMD także są obsługiwane.
GIMP Dynamic Text |[..]/plugins.html |
4880x |
GIMP Dynamic Text is a GIMP plug-in that works like the GIMP's built-in text tool but allows you to draw multi-line text which can be re-edited after it has been drawn.
Fractint | |
4867x |
If you like the fractal graphics and the math around, this piece of software might be the right one. Fractint is a Linux ported IBM fractal generator initially developed for DOS. It may seem a bit obsolete today. Actually, there are many modern programs available but most of them is a derivative work with GUI and other bells and whistles added, however probably none of them beats the "original" - its capabilities seems a bit limited.
AquaPro | |
4864x |
Perlfu script that make an aqua style button.
Lodju | |
4820x |
Lodju creates indexes of digital images, such as photographs taken with a digital camera. It can also generate Web galleries of them. These indexes will help you to manage your image collection, making it easy to organize and search for images.
aa3d | |
4814x |
aa3d generuje wysokiej jaości ascii-artowe stereogramy z plików wprowadzonych przez STDIN. Jest konfigurowalny i posiada interfejs linii komend z wieloma opcjami.
XCurs |[..]b/code/xcurs/ |
4794x |
XCurs is a program for editing XCursor formatted XFree86 mouse cursors.
Kray | |
4776x |
A small raytracer for KDE.
LILO-Splash-Screen Script-Fu |[..]/lilo-splash/ |
4773x |
LILO-Splash-Screen Script-Fu is a script for the GIMP which helps you create fancy splash screens for use with LILO
epd2svg | |
4772x |
converts from the EPD vector graphics format to SVG.
KCamedia | |
4749x |
KCamedia to program sterujący dla starszych aparatów Olympus Camedia. Pozwala na ściąganie zdjęć przez linię szeregową. Program posiada interfejs QT GUI który pokazuję podglądy. Wiele ustawień aparatu jest obsługiwanych.
Thumbnailer |[..]mbnailer.html |
4685x |
Thumbnailer is a Gimp plugin. All images in a given source directory are resized and copied to a subdirectory. This plugin currently only processes JPG pictures.