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asc2dvd |[..]load3226.html |
3240x |
Creates Bmp files to DVD Subtitle Compatible Bitmap for use as a Croma containing the Subtitle from a Simple Text File who contains lines named by his trigger time. The file format is : HH:MM:SS:CC Line of subtitle at this time The files will contain The Line and will be named "HHMMSSCC.bmp" This script don't support multiple lines per bmp.
Gphoto2html |[..]/gphoto2html/ |
3212x |
Gphoto2html to prosta, oparta o GTK aplikacja generująca zestaw stron WWW razem z miniaturami ze zbioru cyfrowych lub zeskanowanych zdjęć.
GTKSee | |
3197x |
GTKSee is a GTK+ image viewer and browser with slide show capability which aims to be an ACDSee clone.
draw-polygon |[..]w-poligon.htm |
3194x |
Draw all regular polygonos. Input: center, radius, number segment.
| |[..]p?language=en |
3161x | (Buttons for Website) to plugin Gimp-perl, który tworzy zestaw przycisków dla serwisu WWW. Pobiera etykiety przycisków z pliku tekstowego oraz jest w stanie w łatwy sposób wygenerować efekty JavaScript rollover.
IFSplot |[..]ects/ifsplot/ |
3144x |
ifsplot to program rysujący atraktory IFS (fraktale).
QtVu | |
3131x |
QtVu, pronounced CuteView, is an image viewer for the X Window System heavily inspired by ACDSee.
PCX statistics |[..]ndex_eng.html |
3090x |
PCX statistics pobiera średnią jasność z każdej linii obrazka, wybiera linie z najmniejszą i największą jasnością, a następnie używa tych wartości do obliczenia korekcji gamma dla programu skanującego.
CMYK Plugin for The GIMP |[..]eparate.shtml |
3064x |
CMYK GIMP plugin umożliwia separację RGB -> CMYK wewnątrz GIMPa, z użyciem littlecms do zarządzania kolorami oraz pozwala na zapisanie rezultatu jako CMYK TIFF.
Ellipse |[..]plugin_e.html |
3038x |
It makes a nice :-) ellipse/circle effect. It looks a little like the linse effekt, but I think its a bit difference. Simple try it and look.
KiCAD |[..]ad/index.html |
3024x |
Kicad is an open source (GPL) software for the creation of electronic schematic diagrams and printed circuit board artwork.
Designed and written by Jean-Pierre Charras, a researcher at LIS (Laboratoire des Images et des Signaux) and a teacher in IUT de Saint Martin d'Hères.(France), in the field of electrical engineering and image processing.
Kicad is a set of four softwares and a project manager:
Eeschema :Schematic entry.
Pcbnew :Board editor.
Gerbview :GERBER viewer (photoplotter documents).
Cvpcb :footprint selector for components used in the circuit design.
Kicad: project manager.
parts | |
3009x |
The program generates macros for drawing 2D CAD parts according to DIN or CSN standards in dxf and other various formats.
jpig |[..]rojects/jpig/ |
2993x |
jpig to program do wczytywania i dekompresji plików JPEG, przemapowywania ich palet i konwertowania obszarów obrazów na znaki do wyświetlania na standardowej tekstowej konsoli Linuksa.
imageSearch |[..]ageSearch.php |
2983x |
imageSearch is a Python script that recursively searches directories for duplicate images. When duplicates are found, they are displayed in a GUI as a tree with buttons for deleting the ones you don't want.
PHP Gallery | |
2964x |
A simple, secure automatic gallery. Thumbnails and image data is stored within the database, however image uploads are done via normal means into a directory (one directory per category). The gallery maintains its own synchronisation with the images in the directories and all HTML output is done via templates, allowing quick and easy customisation.