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Photo:Lomo |[..]p/index.shtml |
2783x |
The Photo:Lomo plugin alters a photograph to make it look like it was taken with a Lomo Kompakt Automat (LC-A) camera. There are several adjustments that can be used to fine-tune the effect. A single Undo command will reverse the operation.
POV-Ray Mesh Compressor |[..]efax/pcm.html |
2777x |
Mesh Compressor kompresuje siatki trójkątów POV-Ray.
Apache::Gallery | |
2754x |
Apache::Gallery creates an thumbnail index of each directory and allows viewing pictures in different resolutions.
GRSlideShow |[..]/package/756/ |
2752x |
GRSlideShow automatycznie buduje stronę index z miniaturami zdjęć będącymi linkami do nich. Jego główną funkcją jest automatyczny slideshow, który wyświetla wszystkie obrazy z ustawialną szybkością. Jest bardzo łatwy w użyciu.
Voronoi |[..]gins/voronoi/ |
2741x |
Voronoi generates 2D Voronoi diagrams of various semi-random sets of points (either disturbed square, hexagonal or triangualar grid, or almost totally random) and knows some nice ways how to color them.
What are Voronoi diagrams
Imagine a finite set of points in some metric space (or just just normal n-dimensional space, if you don't know much about metric spaces). If you now take any point of the space, there definitely exists a point of the set which is closest to this point. This way the set breaks the space to parts, (called cells below) each consisting of points nearest to a one point of the set. This division is what is called Voronoi diagram of the set (roughly).
tumble | |
2739x |
Tumble konwertuje jeden lub więcej plików TIFF (tylko czarno-białe) i JPEG na plik PDF. Program został stworzony przede wszystkim do użycia ze skanami.
| |[..]l-34384.shtml |
2726x | używa modułu Perla Image::Info do konwertowania różnych zdjęć z aparatów cyfrowych do formatu nazw YYYYMMDD-NNN.jpg. Działa w trybie wsadowym lub interaktywnym.
G3DViewer |[..]tml?g3dviewer |
2725x |
G3DViewer jest przegladarką plików 3D dla GTK+ obsługującą nastepujące rodzaje plików:
* 3D Studio (.3ds, .prj)
* LightWave (.lw, .lwb, .lwo)
* Alias Wavefront (.obj)
* Impulse TurboSilver / Imagine (.iob)
* AutoCAD (.dxf)
* Quake II Models (.md2)
* Neutral File Format (.nff)
* 3D Metafile (.3dmf, .3mf, .b3d)
* Caligari TrueSpace Objects (.cob)
* Quick3D Objects & Scenes (.q3o, q3s)
* VRML 1.0 files (.wrl, .vrml) (new in 0.1.1, still buggy)
* AC3D objects (.ac, .acc) (new in
Explosion Graphics Generator | |
2723x |
EGG - Explosion Graphics Generator
irit | |
2720x |
IRIT is a freeware solid modeler developed for educational purposes.
photoarchive |[..]software.html |
2716x |
This program allows you to organize your personal photos into web album. All data (including pictures) will be stord in mySQL database.
batchgimp |[..]/Basic_Batch/ |
2714x |
batchgimp to procesor batch do renderowania obrazów. Używa interfejsu linii poleceń oraz obsługuje formaty JPEG, GIF, PNG i PSD.
PPM |[..]projects/ppm/ |
2704x |
PPM is yet another Game Boy (Color) tile and map editor that uses GTK.
ripoff | |
2694x |
RIPoff to przeglądarka i konwerter obrazów RIPscrip (Remote Imaging Protocol).
astime | |
2693x |
astime is an analogue clock for X windows. It shows the current time, the date and the day of the week. astime should run anywhere on Unix-like systems in principle but was so far tested on Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris only. The command-line options allow to customize colors of every element of the display.