Nazwa oprogramowania |
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TextMaker | |
11405x |
TextMaker is a word processor that launches quickly, needs little memory, does not require complicated setup, and has the full feature set of a modern high-end word processor. It reads and writes Microsoft Word 6/95/97/2000/XP, and Word 2003 files.
GNOME Todo List Manager | |
11401x |
Todo list manager written for use with gnome 2. It tries to follow the hig and gnome policy as good as possible
9987x |
CALAMAR is an accounting program entirely written in Java. It supports multiple clients, a flexible chart of accounts, multiple currencies and VAT. Calamar has been localized for French, German, Polish, and English.
MagicPoint | |
9955x |
Magic Point is an X11 based presentation tool. It is designed to make
simple presentations easy while to make complicated presentations possible.
Its presentation file (whose suffix is typically .mgp) is just text so that
you can create presentation files quickly with your favorite editor (e.g. Emacs, vi).
FTE Text Editor | |
9875x |
FTE is text editor for developers.
gnotepad+ | |
9473x |
Gnotepad+ is an easy-to-use, yet fairly feature-rich, simple HTML and text editor for Unix based systems running X11 and using GTK (the Gimp ToolKit) and/or GNOME.
XRolyPoly | |
9467x |
XRolyPoly is a simple rolodex-like address book that supports all the basic fields: name, address, phone, email, and misc. notes.
gAcc |[..]rojects/gacc/ |
9434x |
a personal accounts manager such as MsMoney or Quicken
e-Przelewy | |
9232x |
System e-Przelewy został przygotowany z myślą o tych użytkownikach, którzy chcą korzystać z Linuksa w codziennej pracy zawodowej. Jest to wszechstronny program, pracujący w trybie graficznym (okienkowym np. KDE, GNOME, fluxbox). Daje on możliwość prostej obsługi wszelkiego rodzaju przelewów. Obsługuje: przelewy zwykle, wpłaty, przelewy na ZUS, wpłaty podatku dla Urzędu Skarbowego (US). Możliwe jest także wykonywanie nadruków na oryginalnych drukach z poczty, banku lub urzędu. Wbudowana w program baza kontrahentów sprawia, że dokonanie przelewu na dowolne konto, czy to do ZUS, US jest w zasięgu kilku ruchów myszą. Równie prosta jest obsługa przelewów, które wykonujemy cyklicznie np. wpłaty ZUS, wystarczy wówczas otworzyć z historii przelew z zeszłego miesiąca i jedynie zmienić kwotą lub tytuł. Program dostępny jest tylko na platformę Linux.
Goats | |
9174x |
Goats is a post-it note applet for the GNOME panel, similar to Knotes for KDE. You can create lots of notes in bright colours, set alarms, and they're saved when you logout.
Java Financial Library |[..]s/000032.html |
9166x |
A financial application and library for Java.
CMP-Gestco | |
9163x |
CMP-Gestco is a financial application for small companies. It can manage products, customers, and suppliers, and generate and print invoices.
Adobe Reader |[..]adermain.html |
9151x |
Adobe Reader is free software that allows everyone from business professionals to home users to easily and reliably view, print, and search PDF files using a variety of platforms and devices
KTagebuch |[..]programs.html |
9109x |
A diary program for KDE 3.
Dicole MimerDesk | |
9062x |
Dicole MimerDesk is a Web-based collaborative learning and groupwork environment designed for a wide variety of uses such as personal management, computer-supported collaborative learning, carrying out projects, and setting up communities. Its main strengths include a very customizable group system which allows many groups to work simultaneously on a shared database with tools like Projects, Calendar, Tasks, Forums, Links, Chat, Reviews, Voting, Files, Instant Messages, Profiles, and many more.