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libsnmp | |
1369x |
libsnmp to biblioteka SNMP napisana w czystym Pythonie. Z założenia jest prosta, skalowalna i łatwa w użyciu.
libmemcache |[..]/libmemcache/ |
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Libmemcache is the C API for memcached(8), a high-performance, distributed memory object caching system.
Imlib |[..]ources/imlib/ |
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Imlib is a library with two main purposes. First, it can load image files in a large number of formats. Second, it can render those images to any X visual format that the application may need by doing color substitution and dithering. Imlib has several native image loaders for common image formats like PNG, JPEG, and XPM. If it needs to load an image whose format it does not know about, it can use fallbacks by calling external programs such as ImageMagick or NetPBM. The ability of rendering 24-bit RGB image data into any X visual representation is very important for GNOME. This allows it to run efficiently on any kind of video hardware while still having colorful icons and graphics, and at the same time allowing legacy X programs to allocate the colors they need. In addition, Imlib provides miscellaneous image manipulation functions such as scaling, rotation, and color histogram manipulation.
Open Math Library |[..]name=openmlib |
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OpenMlib is a library of math functions for Gambas. It presently includes 10 functions.
jabberokayrpclib |[..]og/jabberrpc/ |
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jabberxmlrpclib to moduł Pythona do przeprowadzania wywołań procedur !okay/ rpc poprzez Jabbera.
cgicc |[..]cc/cgicc.html |
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C++ class library for writing CGI applications.
MySQL Driver for REBOL | |
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MySQL Driver for REBOL to schemat dla /Core, który umożliwia developerom łączenie się z serwerem baz danych MySQL, wysyłanie zapytań i pobieranie wynikowych zestawów rekordów.
GSM 06.10 lossy speech compression |[..]ta/toast.html |
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GSM 06.10 is a RPE-LTP (RegularPulse Excitation LongTerm Predictor) coder and decoder library implemented in C
Libgcrypt |[..]ibgcrypt.html |
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This is a general purpose cryptographic library based on the code from GnuPG.
htmlcxx | |
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htmlcxx to prosty, nie-walidujący parser HTML i CSS1 dla C++.
dnspython | |
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dnspython to toolkit DNS dla Pythona. Obsługuje prawie wszystkie typy rekordów. Może być używany do zapytań, transferów strefy i dynamicznych aktualizacji.
glibmm | |
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GNOME bindings
Dallas DS-1820 Temperature Sensor Monitor | |
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Dallas ds-1820 temperature sensor monitor to biblioteka i przykładowy program do komunikacji z urządzeniem 1-wire firmy Dallas Semiconductor. Biblioteka wymaga interfejsu DS-9097u łączącego port szeregowy z 1-wire. Przykładowy program potrafi odczytać dane z czujników temperatury DS-1820 i ze wskaźnika szybkości wiatru urządzenia Dallas Weather Station.
c2lib |[..]eeware/c2lib/ |
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a library of basic tools for use by C programmers. It contains features heavily influenced by both Perl's string handling and C++'s Standard Template Library
jaxml | |
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jaxml to moduł Pythona ułatwiający tworzenie czytelnych dla człowieka dokumentów XML. Jest mały, łatwy w użyciu i rozbudowany.