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> anubis

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GNU Anubis is an outgoing mail processor. It goes between the MUA (Mail User Agent) and the MTA (Mail Transport Agent), and can perform on the fly various sorts of processing and conversion on the outgoing mail in accord with the sender's specified rules, based on a highly
configurable regular expressions system. It operates as a proxy server, independently from mail user agents. GNU Anubis can edit outgoing mail headers, encrypt and/or sign mail with the GNU Privacy Guard, build secure SMTP tunnels (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) using the TLS/SSL encryption even if your mail user agent doesn't support it, or tunnel a connection through a SOCKS proxy. Moreover,
GNU Anubis supports the remailers (it allows sending mail in an anonymous way).
Adding date: 16.8.2004 10:44
GUI: no
Terminal: yes
Licence: GPL
Home Page:
Developer company: GNU
Alternativ SW in Windows:
SW instalation requirement:

(optionally) gnutls, pam, mysql, postgres.
HW instalation requirement:

Rate: not rated yet
Package Type Download Size in kB
rpm[..].6-3.i386.rpm 79
source[..]3.9.95.tar.gz 814
Added by: Ireneusz Slonina


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